Monday, September 14, 2015

Service with a Smile :)


This week for teaching people has been an all time low. Orting is just such a small city and almost everybody has rejected us, telling us to question our faith, or has they say that "they have done their homework and know its not true." People are just starting to turn into a bunch of Korihors.

We found this recently moved in Less Active lady. Elder Johnson and I, chatted with her and part of her family. She offered us this sparkling water that had green tea extract in it. She also made the comment that it tasted even better with Vodka in it. We just looked at her and said actually it wouldn't. She told us that that was because we had never tried it before. Elder Johnson just replied with, "Wickedness never was happiness." She just shoved that comment aside like it didn't matter. Hopefully she will want to start changing in the near future. Her name is Channa, pray for her to realize her mistakes and start coming back to church.

One day we were out contacting and I saw this family so I went up to them and started talking to them, the father started telling us that he  had just gotten the impression to tell us this...."You two are very young and need to start questioning and asking if what you are being taught is true, because you guys are going down a dark path."  I looked at him with the face of you can't be serious! I thought to myself that if we didn't believe what we are sharing was true what makes him think we would actually be out here right now talking to him. Why would we waste money on something that isn't true. Then we invited him on the spot to read the book of mormon and pray about it, because we weren't getting anywhere with that guy.

This week was also the Orting day of Service. The Spanaway Elders and the Firgrove Elders came over and did service with us. It was a blast. We shoveled and moved rocks at the Washington Soldiers home. While we were there we tried to get some potential investigators but everyone just waved us off.  Except for maybe to people. They are twins. I can't remember their names but please pray for them.

Anyways that was this week. I love the gospel and wish everyone would accept its awesome teachings so that they can receive the blessings that come from it. I appreciate all of the prayers, that everyone is giving. I know they will eventually help us Elders. I love you all.

Elder R.K. Northrup

P.S. this week for some P-day fun we went golfing with some members. I scored a 43 out of 9 holes (most of them where par 3).

 Golfing, YES!
 Golfing with Brother Peck
"Awesome Putt" pose

Orting day of Service picture: (from back to front, left to right) back: Elder Sanders, Elder Anderton, Elder Clauson (far right), front: Elder Nelson, Elder Northrup, and Elder Johnson.

Me and Elder Johnson shoveling and raking rocks.

I asked Reggie if there was anything else he wanted me to send before I get off the computer.  His answer was "happyiness!"
So... sending my boy happyiness! 

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