Monday, October 24, 2016


This week has been quite eventful. A lot has happen and it has been really Glorious!

I would like to announce my new companion Elder Delp. He is from Tallahassee, Florida. He was a semi-professional pod-caster before the mish. He is a complete nerd, which means we get along great. Plus, his joy for missionary work is awesome! It has been a pleasure to train him thus far.

Elder Delp and Me... don't look at the hair.

Anyways, to welcome Elder Delp to the area. The Millers fed him a Green Dinner. He actually had no idea about the joke until we pointed it out to him. It was totally funny.

On Thursday we had New Missionary Training, which was great. I had a ton of fun and learned quite a bit about how to become a great trainer. I am loving every minute of it. It has seriously been such a blast.

On Friday we did weekly planning because we weren't able to Thursday. Then we did a lot of missionary work. While we were finding that day we ran into a African American guy with a thick accent. Everytime we tried to teach him about the Gospel he would cut us off with, "Wrong, my understanding...." then tell us what he thought. It was pretty funny. Now we use that line all of the time. For example, Elder Delp asked me what my favorite flavor of Shasta was? In the middle of my answer, he says, "Wrong, my understanding..." We got a good kick out of that.

Then on Saturday morning we got to meet with the General Authorities. We met with Bishop Waddell, Elder Call, Elder Clayton, and Elder Rasband. I will just tell you how I felt during the meeting... IT WAS ENOUGH TO MAKE ELDER NORTHRUP CRY!!!! That's how awesome it was. I was filled with so much information. I was enjoying every minute of it. I totally wished I could give each of them a big hug. Apparently, that was like Illegal or something along those lines. I will have to send you a picture of the notes I took next week. 

Afterward we went on a blitz with our Zone Leaders. It was a great blitz. I went with Elder Saydyk and Elder Delp went with Elder Covington. On my side we didn't achieve much success in the sense that nobody we talked to was interested. However, Elder Delp and Elder Covington were able to find a lady named Gloria and taught her the Restoration and invited her to be baptized. She accepted the invitation. Can I get whoop whoop!

Sunday was just average. However, is always good to feel your burdens lifted after partaking of the Sacrament.

Then we went had a lesson with Nadia and David. Well, instead David taught us. He is incredible. He drilled into me how DEEPLY important Charity/love are. I literally was taking notes the whole time. I am going to be doing a lot more to improve my prayers.

Well, I love all of you!

Elder R.K. Northrup 

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